How To Cite A Movie In Apa Purdue Owl

How To Cite A Movie In Apa Purdue Owl

2 min read 23-11-2024
How To Cite A Movie In Apa Purdue Owl

This guide explains how to cite movies using the APA (American Psychological Association) style guide, referencing the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) guidelines. Knowing how to correctly cite sources is crucial for academic integrity. This article provides a comprehensive guide to citing movies in your APA style papers. Let's dive into the specifics!

Understanding APA Movie Citations

APA style emphasizes brevity and clarity. Movie citations follow a consistent format, ensuring consistency across your bibliography or references page. The core information needed includes the title, director, year of release, and distributor.

Basic Movie Citation Format (APA)

The basic format for citing a movie in APA style is:

Producer's Last Name, Producer's Initial(s). (Producer). (Year). Title of motion picture [Motion Picture]. Distributor.

Let's break down each element:

  • Producer's Last Name, Producer's Initial(s).: List the last name and initials of the producer of the film. If multiple producers are listed, use the first producer named. If no producer is listed, use the director's name instead.
  • (Producer).: Add "(Producer)" in parentheses after the producer's name. This clarifies their role. If using the director's name, use "(Director)" instead.
  • (Year).: The year the movie was released in parentheses.
  • Title of motion picture: The title of the film in italics.
  • [Motion Picture].: This clarifies the type of source.
  • Distributor: The name of the company that distributed the film.


Spielberg, S. (Director). (1993). Jurassic Park [Motion Picture]. Universal Pictures.

Handling Multiple Producers or Directors

If there are multiple producers or directors, list the first one named followed by “et al.” (and others).

Example (Multiple Producers):

Katzenberg, J. et al. (Producers). (1994). The Lion King [Motion Picture]. Walt Disney Pictures.

Citing a Movie with a Different Language

If the movie is not in English, you need to include the language of the original film. You can put this in square brackets after the title.


Miyazaki, H. (Director). (2001). Spirited Away [Motion Picture]. [Japanese]. Studio Ghibli.

What if Information is Missing?

Sometimes you might lack specific information like a distributor. Do your best to find it through online resources like IMDb. If you cannot locate it, omit that element rather than fabricating information.

In-Text Citations for Movies (APA)

When referencing a movie within your text, follow the author-date system. Use the producer's last name (or director’s if no producer is listed) and year of release.


  • Paraphrasing: The groundbreaking special effects in Jurassic Park (Spielberg, 1993) revolutionized filmmaking.
  • Direct Quote: Spielberg described the film's creation as a "daunting yet rewarding challenge" (Spielberg, 1993, p. 20). Note: Page numbers are only included if you are quoting directly from a supplementary source like a film script.

Where to Find More Information

For the most up-to-date and comprehensive guidelines, always refer to the official Purdue OWL website. They frequently update their style guides to reflect changes in APA standards. [Link to Purdue OWL APA page]


Citing movies in APA format might seem complex initially, but understanding the basic structure and paying attention to detail will ensure accuracy. Always double-check your citations before submitting your work. Remember that accurate citation is critical for maintaining academic honesty and giving credit where it's due. Proper citation enhances your credibility as a researcher. Using this guide, you can confidently cite movies in your APA papers, avoiding plagiarism and demonstrating academic integrity.

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