How To Check Npm Version In Visual Studio Code

How To Check Npm Version In Visual Studio Code

2 min read 23-11-2024
How To Check Npm Version In Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular code editor that doesn't directly manage Node.js or npm versions. npm (Node Package Manager) is installed alongside Node.js. Therefore, checking your npm version in VS Code involves checking it within your terminal or command prompt inside VS Code. This guide shows you how.

Locating the Integrated Terminal

VS Code's integrated terminal gives you direct access to your system's command-line interface. This is where you'll execute the command to see your npm version.

To open the integrated terminal:

  1. View Menu: Go to the "View" menu in the VS Code menu bar.
  2. Select Terminal: Choose the "Terminal" option. This will open a terminal panel at the bottom of your VS Code window.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + (on Windows/Linux) or Cmd + (on macOS).

Checking the npm Version

Once the terminal is open, use the following command:

npm -v

This command will output your currently installed npm version number directly into the terminal. For example, you might see something like:


This indicates you have npm version 8.19.2 installed.

What if npm isn't found?

If the terminal returns an error message like " 'npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command," this means Node.js (and consequently npm) isn't installed on your system or isn't correctly configured in your system's PATH environment variable.

Troubleshooting: Node.js and npm Installation

If you encounter this error, follow these steps:

  1. Download and Install Node.js: Visit the official Node.js website ( and download the installer appropriate for your operating system. The installer typically bundles npm with Node.js.

  2. Verify Installation: After installation, open a new terminal window (outside of VS Code) and type node -v and npm -v. If you see version numbers, Node.js and npm are correctly installed.

  3. Restart VS Code and try again: Close and reopen VS Code to ensure the changes take effect.

  4. PATH Environment Variable (Advanced): If the issue persists, you might need to manually add the Node.js installation directory to your system's PATH environment variable. The exact steps vary depending on your operating system (search online for "add Node.js to PATH [your OS]"). This tells your system where to find the node and npm executables.

Checking npm Version with npx

Another method uses npx, a package runner tool included with npm version 5.2 and later. While it doesn't directly show the npm version, it relies on npm and shows if it is functional.

In your VS Code terminal:

npx -v

This command will also output information related to npm, indirectly verifying its installation and version.

Keeping npm Updated

It's good practice to keep npm updated to benefit from bug fixes and new features. You can do this using the following command within your VS Code terminal:

npm install -g npm@latest

Remember to use this command with caution and only when needed because it will update npm globally and might break existing projects relying on previous versions. Consider using a Node Version Manager (NVM) for better control over multiple Node.js and npm versions. NVM is a separate tool that allows you to easily switch between different Node.js versions.

By following these steps, you can quickly and easily check your npm version within the comfort of your VS Code environment. Remember to address any installation issues by verifying your Node.js setup.

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